Controlled Demolition (CC Demo 100)
CC Demolition - Products - Instacote
 Demolition requires control of contaminated debris. CC Demo 100 penetrates rubble
and soil to form a penetrating
protective layer over
contaminated demolition debris.
CC Demo 100 is applied during the
demolition process and at the end of
the day as a daily cover to provide
�off-shift� stabilization.
Traditional sanitary landfills or
construction projects use daily
covers for dust suppression, control
of VOC�s and fire hazards.
Radiological and Beryllium
contaminated demolition sites
require additional controls.
Demolition requires control of contaminated debris.
CC Demo 100 provides these additional controls. The polymer-based liquid seeps down into the
rubble and stabilizes unseen surfaces within the pile of contaminated debris. CC Demo also
penetrates into contaminated soils and prevents re-suspension during excavation operations.
CC Demo 100 ensures environmental control of contaminated debris.
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